The One Raspberry Pi Project Every Household needs!

Adios and Caramelo on the Pi
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Are you one of those tinkers, makers, or hackers who has a Raspberry Pi but doesn’t know what to do with it? This is the one thing every household should do with that Raspberry Pi, using Pi-hole.

The One thing ever house hold needs to do with their leftover Raspberry Pi.

Pi-Hole, the Network Server to Block all those pesky Ads

Pi-hole is an open source community based project whose aim is to help eliminate some of those pesky, sometimes virus containing ads for an entire network. This can be especially useful when you have little ones, or guests browsing the Internet on your local home network.

Raspberry pi 3
Raspberry Pi just collecting dust.

Pi-Hole Ad Killer Video

I had an old Raspberry Pi B+ that I had laying around for years collecting dust. After finding out about Pi-hole I immediately grabbed that old pi, and installed Pi-hole. It has been actively blocking ads for my home network for since the summer of 2018. During all that time, I have yet to have to restart that Raspberry Pi.

This Pi-hole raspberry pi on my desk. I also had a Adafruit Blue and White 16×2 LCD+Keypad Kit for Raspberry Pi laying around. I decided I would write a Python script that would scrape my Pi-hole’s API and return local statistics regarding my pi-hole server.

White-listing Sites

Now don’t get me wrong, I use ads on this very website. Which I use to help fund the existence of this site and future projects. Just like, there may be websites that you want to support by allowing ads to display. Pi-hole has a solution for this, white-listing.

Adios and Caramelo ready to kill ads with Pi-Hole
Adios and Caramelo ready to kill ads with Pi-Hole

The developers have wisely added an area within their user interface to allow white-listing of websites. This allows the website to be displayed within your network. There are many reasons as to why you may want to white-list ads on a website. One of those reasons could be you just want to support that website. Another might be that website just won’t work correctly if you have ads blocked, *cough* *cough* Hulu.

Benefits are great Install Yours Now

The benefits of this little computer running a local instance of Pi-hole has been so useful. It convenient to have ads blocked, and have the reassurance of knowing my devices are safe.

What are you waiting for go to the pi-hole’s website and get started today.

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6 years ago

Useless doesn’t work on twitch as the ads are directly loaded in the video streams. More larger sites will follow.

Hey I see you are using an Ad blocker. Ads really help to keep this website up and going. Please consider white-listing us. If not it's cool, I understand.